Thursday, July 16, 2009

still alive

...this was a triumph (doododoodo)..

yes! theyre still alive, ohh happy day.

unfortunately, this DOES set me back time wise... especially since im going to ORCHID ISLAND tomorrow! have to be up bright and early and at lab by 6:30am for the taxi to get to the ferry before 7:30am. hope i have enough money... yikes =\

also, the water pump at the aquarium and lab broke down, so there was a huge water crisis and people's experiments were messed up because of it.

i hope to have some pictures up soon of coral mortality... thank goodness you can't smell stuff through the internet.

3 remarks:

caryklemmer said...

I love your blog Winny! I hope all is well in Taiwan. Don't murder any more coral, they already have global warming to deal with, they don't need you :P

Be safe and I'll see you in 2010 :)

P.S. Because of you I am going to do a Japan blog :]

caryklemmer said...

btw, I stole this template from you

Winny said...

lol, i just read your comments.. no wonder your blog looks the same as mine haha.