Wednesday, July 29, 2009


things are getting worse and worse... and i'm getting more aggravated as the day goes on.

i have to say... the situations that arose have made me EXTREMELY displeased about being here at the moment. i mean, i still love being in taiwan, the environment, the social interactions, and i'll miss them all, especially the grad students with whom i've become friends with. yet i'm very unsatisfied with what's happened. let me start at the beginning.

yesterday, i was informed by tony that i needed to move out of my apartment... ok wtf.

today, i told him everything i was displeased about in regards to housing. yes, EVERYTHING. though i already knew for a fact that he wouldn't understand, but i told him that i was displeased with the situation and that i thought everything was poorly planned. and lo and behold, exactly what i thought would happen, happened. ugh.

then, of course, he also decided to give me "advice" about my project, when it's way too late, and almost useless. this sets me back as usual.. and has discouraged me very much, unfortunately. i've tried salvaging what i can from this, but it seems more and more bleak as time goes on.

whatever, i'm just going to try and enjoy myself, which will be exciting because.... ORCHID ISLAND here i come! =D

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