Monday, June 29, 2009

1 week anniversary

hello all, it has officially been 1 week since i've left the U.S. and i'd have to say... nothing productive in terms of lab work has been done.

it's kinda frustrating.. especially since the experiment/project i have is "simple" and easy to assemble. the big problem i have with this is that i want to be able to set up the coral and algal samples correctly so i don't waste samples and time. although i am able to get help from the graduate and PhD students, they don't know exactly what i am allowed to use either. UGH. hopefully this will all be settled before wednesday... that's when my first weekly progress report is due to the PRIME directors and my mentors.

let's see... this past weekend, i was quarantined in my own apartment, but not by choice of course, haha. on saturday, robert, michael, and i took our bikes and we rode around a few places, and ended up in checheng, stopping at the closest 7-11 to NMMBA and bought some junk food and got some boba. after getting back to the apartment, i took a nice long shower, went online, talked to a few people, and tried to leave again. keyword "tried." what had happened was that the door knob on the front door jammed, and i wasn't able to get out at all. how ridiculous. i had to IM michael and robert next door, but apparently, they both weren't in front of their laptops, so i had to occupy myself for about 3 hrs by watching the extended edition of the return of the king that i had dled.

so unfortunately, the door wasn't able to be fixed, and i spent all of sunday indoors keeping a close eye on my stuff. i tried dling some games to play, and was halfway through dling half-life 2, when the internet cut off at noon.. and remained that way for the rest of the night. SUCKS.

anyway, here are a few pictures, probably very uninteresting and such, lol.

[another empty road..]
[it's so green! some sort of crop field]
[local elementary school, michael and robert in the background][closest 7-11, about 20 minutes away by bike]

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